Your Comments

Once you have reviewed the proposals we would be grateful if you could provide any comments or ask questions of the project team using the details below. Fields marked with an * are required

Please tick the box that reflects your views on the proposals *

I support the proposals for Panattoni Park AylesfordI am undecided about the proposals for Panattoni Park AylesfordI do not support the proposals for Panattoni Park Aylesford

Do you support the former Aylesford Newsprint site being returned to employment use? *

I support the former Aylesford Newsprint site being returned to employment useI am undecided about the former Aylesford Newsprint site being returned to employment useI do not support the former Aylesford Newsprint site being returned to employment use

Please tell the project team what you think about the proposals, what you like about them and how you feel that they could be improved.

ResidentBusinessWork in the areaOther

Data Protection

This website is managed by Connect on behalf of Panattoni to collect information relating to the new planning application at former Aylesford Newsprint site, Aylesford. We value your privacy and the data collected through this feedback form will only be used to inform Panattoni on the community’s views on the new planning application at former Aylesford Newsprint site, Aylesford. We will keep your personal data until the completion of the planning process.

We will always treat your personal data with the utmost care and take all appropriate steps to protect it. In support of changes to the Data Protection Act 2018, we have updated our Privacy Policy in order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (known as GDPR), which gives you more control over how your personal data is used and how you are contacted. You can ask a member of the team for a copy or find our updated policy at or you can request a copy by emailing us at or calling us on 020 7592 9592.

Please tick below as appropriate

I agree that Connect can use the data provided in this feedback form to contact me about the new planning application at former Aylesford Newsprint site, Aylesford.I agree that Connect can share the data provided in this feedback form with Panattoni and that they can contact me about the new planning application at former Aylesford Newsprint site, Aylesford.